India is experiencing a shortage of waste paper

waste paper

Recyclers in India are facing a shortage of waste paper. They are forced to enter the world market and buy the products they need – buy old books and other types of used paper products. Because the system of collection and sorting is not developed in the country itself, there is no well-established system that can simplify the work of processors. Representatives of the paper and pulp industry are asking the state to pay attention to the existing problems.

It is known that in developed countries, more than 80% of used paper and waste cardboard ends up in local processing plants. In the case of India, this figure is more than modest. No more than 50 percent of waste paper is received by local processors for their useful activities. They have to buy the product outside the country. They simply have no other choice. Despite the problems of collecting and sorting waste paper, the processing industry is still developing in India. Because from recycled paper materials you can make cheap goods that are more in demand among the Indian population.

Some processors in India have already found a way out of this situation in order to spend less money on buying waste paper from other countries. Today, brokerage companies conduct their full-scale activities. They work in the field of procurement, as well as the supply of various types of waste paper and cardboard. It is profitable for Indian processors to contact them. Because with the help of brokers, it is possible to ensure constant and cost-effective deliveries of waste paper. We are one of those brokers. Among our clients there are clients from different countries. Our company is ready to serve clients from India. By writing to us at our e-mail address, it is possible to receive information about cooperation, as well as prices for products of interest. As a result of the information received and the discussion of the conditions, each interested processor in India will be able to make the right decision for himself.

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